Renfrew County United Way is accountable to its donors and to the communities it serves. To ensure prudent, effective and efficient distribution of the funds with which it is entrusted, we follow the United Way statement of Principles of Donor’s Rights.
Another measure of accountability is the holding of an Annual General Meeting during which the previous year’s operations are reviewed by the organization’s membership. At this time, Audited Financial Statements are tabled and an Annual Report is presented to the general membership.
United Way of Canada-Centraide Canada
Renfrew County United Way is one of 117 autonomous regional United Way organizations across Canada that are affiliated through United Way of Canada-Centraide Canada (UWC-CC). UWC-CC acts as a voice for its members within the Canadian voluntary sector and internationally and provides leadership, programs and services to its members.
To learn more about UWC-CC, visit www.unitedway.ca.