United Way of Canada-Centraide of Canada and the Canadian Labour Congress have a long-standing partnership because members of both organizations share common goals. And that goes for local United Ways and labour organizations like Renfrew County United Way and the Renfrew & District Labour Council. We all want to ensure that our communities thrive and the people who live in them have access to the services and programs they need to live happy, healthy and productive lives. These same goals are shared with business management, so we are great believers in promoting opportunities for cooperative working relationships.
One excellent way is to work together to conduct joint union-management United Way campaigns in your workplace. Joint workplace campaigns make a lot of sense. Here’s why!
- Problems and contentious issues are quickly resolved because union and management are involved as equal partners in all levels of campaign decision making;
- It is an effective fundraising tool;
- Joint committees bring together union and management representatives who can bring valuable skills and talents to contribute to the success of the campaign; and
- Duties and responsibilities are shared among a committee. One person does not have sole responsibility for the campaign.
Steps in Organizing a Joint Labour-Management Campaign
Local union executives and business managers should take the following steps prior to the commencement of the United Way campaign in the Fall:
- Confirm their support and interest to United Way volunteers;
- Endorse the campaign within the general employee population;
- Appoint union/management co-chairs who will be responsible for the recruitment of the employee campaign committee;
- The campaign committee plans, organizes and implements the campaign;
- Management must ensure that sufficient time is given to all committee members to guarantee a successful campaign;
- The campaign committee should be working well in advance of the campaign, keeping the business manager and local union president informed on a regular basis;
- To assist the committee, the United Way can provide training and assistance;