All donations, whether big or small, are welcome by the United Way and are put to good use in addressing a variety of community needs. There is no set amount. Whatever is affordable, meets the donor’s objectives, and makes the donor feel good about giving back to his or her community, is the most appropriate amount.
All donations are honoured and the wishes of the donor are respected and followed. Donors and their donation amounts are also kept confidential unless the United Way is advised otherwise.
Leadership Donors
For those willing donors who are able to go the extra mile and gift $1,000 or more, we like to make a little fuss. And really, giving this amount isn’t that hard. For as little as $1.75 a day, you could become a United Way Leader. That’s certainly less than a coffee and a donut!
United Way Leadership donors have the power to bring hope, change lives and build futures. Donations of $1,000 or more give the United Way significant resources to make real change happen. Why don’t you consider being a leader!
Leadership Giving Levels
Trustee | $25,000 or more |
Builder | $10,000 - $24,999 |
Patron | $5,000 - $9,999 |
Sponsor | $2,000 - $4,999 |
Leader | $1,000 - $1,999 |
Honour Roll
In 2009, 16 Leadership donors contributed $1,000 or more. We thank these individual donors for their generosity.
Click here to download the 2009 Individual Honour Roll.